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Eastover Resort Holds Annual Single Parent Weeks

Single Moms and Dads and their children will find the breakaway they crave in Lenox, Massachusetts at Eastover Resort's Annual Single Parents Weeks, July 5 through July 8 and August 26-28, 2005 where "every single person has a great time!" according to frequent guest Jacqui Perkins. "This is the place to go where you're immediately welcomed, you relax and feel you belong. You and your kids have a great time in a place that's so grand but so casual!"

Perkins and her three year old daughter first visited Eastover in 2001, when, "we needed time away together and needed a place, "Perkins explains, "where I wouldn't feel I was being ostracized because I was a single parent. I tried other places and felt like I was being herded into activities. I kept looking for the right vacation fit for me as a single mom. I found Eastover at http://www.eastover.com, and made my plans. What a difference!" Perkins states.

What Perkins found at Eastover was a full schedule of activities for herself and her child, where there was no pressure to join into anything. Children's activities are planned several times a day so that parents can relax or socialize on their own. There is something for everyone from indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, nature walks, hikes, skeet shooting, archery, and a world-class Civil War museum created by the founder plus American Bison on the property.

"Eastover provides everything for the active sportsperson to the history buff, to the person who only wants to socialize and it's all in a casual atmosphere where our guests really feel at home and cared about!" explains Ticki Winsor, head of the family-operated organization. "My father started Eastover in 1947. We perpetuate the warm and friendly atmosphere for guests that continues past the Single Parent Weeks. Groups of congenial guests return to Eastover to see one another again and again," Winsor explains. "Eastover becomes the focus on ongoing happy experiences for our guests."

Asked about the mix of single moms to dads, Betsy Kelly, the founders granddaughter, remarks that, "the balance is quite good. I don't think people come here with the expectation of meeting a mate but, in spite of that, Jacqui Perkins met her husband at an Eastover Single Parents Week! They even got married here because it was such an incredible meeting!"

Nestled on 600 acres, Eastover Resort's all-inclusive approach provides guests with all meals and snacks as well as its broad range of activities. Additionally, Eastover is a quick drive to Tanglewood, the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Boston Pops where many guests will picnic on Tanglewood's lawn at the James Taylor performances on July 4th and 5th.

For more reservations and information on Eastover Resort, call 800-822-2368 or visit http://www.eastover.com

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