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Travelocity / Walt Disney World Resort Video Series: From Picking the Right Hotel to What to Do Beyond the Theme Parks

By Genevieve Shaw Brown

Travelocity customers – and families everywhere – love Walt Disney World. In fact, it's a vacation travelers take again and again, placing it right at the top of Travelocity's most-booked destinations in every season. There's been so much written and said about Walt Disney World, enthusiasts may think there's not much left to discover. At least, that's what I thought before I teamed up with Walt Disney World Resort to create a video series that would have a little something for everyone, from the novice to the vet.

"How to Pick the Right Disney Hotel for Your Family" is the first video of the three-part series. Here, we address the all-important question of where to stay during your visit. After all, picking the right hotel is crucial to having a great vacation.  Walt Disney World Resort has more than 20 hotels in three categories: value, moderate, and deluxe.  

In the second video, Travelocity Customers' Top Four Reasons to Pick a Disney Hotel," I turned to the experts – our customers – to tell me about the perks of staying on property. Free ride from the airport? Check. Extra hours in the parks? Check. See what else made the list and the number-one reason people like to stay on property in our countdown.

The final video is for all you Walt Disney World experts out there. I've spent a lot of time covering Disney in my time at Travelocity, and even I was surprised by all there is to do beyond the theme parks.  How about surfing? Yep. Parasailing? Yep. Horseback riding? Yep!  When you tire of the rides (if that's possible) see what else Walt Disney World has to offer.

If you're a parent, chances are you've got a Disney vacation planned, whether it's for this year, next, or even a few years down the line. Whenever your travels take you there, I hope these videos are helpful in planning your vacation. Have a great trip (whenever that may be)!

Genevieve Shaw Brown is the Editorial Director at Travelocity and of the award-winning blog, The Window Seat.

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