

Money Saving Tips

Family vacations can be expensive, but there are a number of ways to cut costs. Here are a few that apply to the Boston area:

** Consider purchasing the Entertainment book for the Boston/Cambridge area. It is packed with 2-for-1 coupons on dining, as well as discounts on attractions. We've found them to be helpful in saving money on trips to the area. Entertainment books are available from Entertainment Publications (800-374-4464) The Entertainment Coupon Book

** To get the best rates for lodging, check out hotel booking sites and individual hotel sites before buying. Sites such as www.hotels.com hotels.com, Travelocity (www.travelocity.com Travelocity.com) and Expedia (www.expedia.com Expedia Travel) often have specially negotiated rates at Boston area hotels. Another similar site specific to the Boston area is Citywide Reservation Service ( www.cityres.com Discount Hotel Rates) which offers discounts of up to 60% on regular room rates in Boston and Cape Cod. In addition, due to pre-existing contracts, some of these sites may have available rooms during times when conventions or other events have the city practically sold out. Check these sites first, but make sure to visit the individual hotels' websites to see if better rates are offered there. Sometimes hotels have family-oriented or weekend packages that will provide a better deal.

**BOSTIX Ticket Booth sells discount tickets to plays, entertainment and other cultural events. (617-423-4454) There are also sell half-price tickets for same day performances. ARTS BOSTON - BosTix - Tickets Available Today

**When at all possible, take the subway, known as the "T", to your desired destination. Parking in Boston and Cambridge is both limited and expensive. In addition, due to "The Big Dig" and extensive road repairs, traffic is extremely heavy and the roads can be difficult to navigate.

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