


Through our research, we have located schools, orphanages, charities and organizations that welcome in-kind donations to assist in their endeavors. A number of these organizations have been visited. In many cases, we have relied on the information provided by volunteers, directors, and other individuals involved with these groups and we do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. Use the information you find here as a starting point for doing independent research on these organizations and determining which, if any, you would like to help on your travels.

Although these schools, charities and other organizations are listed on this site, neither the Family Travel Network nor its assigns or officers are responsible for the activities of these organizations or their members. Contact the organizations directly for more detailed information on their work. The Family Travel Network has no financial involvement in these organizations.

Amazing Grace Foundation operates a residence that cares for homeless children with special needs. The residence currently houses 7 children, provides day care for up to 3 other children, and provides free assistance to over 150 disabled children in the community. The home is in need of food items, children's and adult vitamins, personal care items, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and disposable diapers. For more detailed information on the Amazing Grace Foundation and the current needs of the home, visit their website at www.amazinggracefoundation.org, e-mail them at amazinggracehome@yahoo.com or call (268) 560-1989.

Good Shepherd Home for Children was founded in 1984 by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and is managed by the Corpus Christi Carmelite Sisters of Trinidad and Tobago. The home cares for abused and abandoned children between 5-12 years of age. The majority of the residents are girls. For more information on the home's current needs, contact them at (268) 462-2731. Contact can also be made with the Diocesan Catholic Offices in St. John's, Antigua by phone at (268) 462-8581 or by fax at (268) 462-2383.


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