


Through our research, we have located schools, orphanages, charities and organizations that welcome in-kind donations to assist in their endeavors. A number of these organizations have been visited. In many cases, we have relied on the information provided by volunteers, directors, and other individuals involved with these groups and we do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. Use the information you find here as a starting point for doing independent research on these organizations and determining which, if any, you would like to help on your travels.

Although these schools, charities and other organizations are listed on this site, neither the Family Travel Network nor its assigns or officers are responsible for the activities of these organizations or their members. Contact the organizations directly for more detailed information on their work. The Family Travel Network has no financial involvement in these organizations.

Casa Cuna Progress Orphanage cares for 30 disadvantaged children from infants to 3-year olds. The orphanage is in need of items for young children including disposable diapers, baby powder, diaper rash cream, children's clothes, infant clothes, shoes, toys, small stuffed animals, puzzles, toys and games for babies and toddlers. The phone number for the orphanage is (297) 585-7177.

Imeldahof Children's Home, located in Noord, is a home for children of troubled families. Many of the 50 children at the home have been victims of physical or sexual abuse or neglect. The home cares for boys ages 6-14 and girls ages 6-18. The home is in need of a variety of items for children including toys, games, sporting goods, puzzles, school supplies, small stuffed animals, backpacks and other supplies. For more information about the home and its needs, contact Director Dynia Muller at (297) 587-6085.

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