

Log Cabin Guest House

Log Cabin Guest House
11661 West Chetlain Lane
Galena, Illinois 61036
Phone: (815) 777-2845

This is an authentic log cabin built in 1865 by a Civil War veteran who came to the lead-mine frontier town of Galena to make his fortune. There is a huge stone hearth in the main room and the logs are whitewashed for a cheerful look. The sleeping loft makes kids feel like pioneers themselves! Activities include: run along the Galena River in Grant Park, tour President Ulysses S. Grant's home, the Stockade used during the 1832 Black Hawk War, walk through the historic Vinegar Hill Lead mine. Nearby: Charles Mound, the highest elevation in Illinois (1,235 feet) where you can see a panoramic view of Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin.

No food is served in the Cabin, but it's just a short drive to all of the restaurants in historic Galena. It is known as "the town that time forgot" with the Civil War architecture still intact.

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