

Visit a Local Farmers' Market

Farmers' markets bring farm-fresh and organic produce to shoppers in urban and suburban areas, but there's often much more than fruits and vegetables sold there. You'll often find homemade bakery items and children's clothing, arts & crafts, and other attractive products. It's always fun to walk around and look at the merchandise. All items sold must be home grown or homemade.

Visiting a farmers' market is a great weekend experience for the entire family. The kids will learn that the produce really doesn't come from the supermarket and who knows ... they might enjoy eating vegetables after the visit.

To find a local farmers' market near you, take a look at the following sites:

Local Harvest: www.localharvest.org

Agricultural Marketing Service: www.ams.usda.gov/FARMERSMARKETS/

FarmersMarket: www.farmersmarket.com

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Backyard Camp-Out

Carve Your Own Pumpkin

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Escape to a Lake

Escape to a Hotel

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Be Amazed At A Corn Maze

Camping with Kids

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Fall Zoo Fun

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Travel Back in Time

Vacation at Home

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Visit a Family Inn

Visit a Farmers' Market

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