

Visit a Museum

Are you tired of going to a museum or exhibit and telling the children not to touch anything? We know the feeling. For a completely different experience, take your children to a Children's Museum that encourages touching. These museums have hands-on exhibits for children as young as 2 years old. Some offer kid-size banks, supermarkets and television stations.

To find a children's museum near you, take a look at the Association of Children's Museums website. The site's interactive map will help you to find a children's museum near you in the United States or around the world.

Check out these museums and exhibits:

The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

Long Island Children's Museum

Dinosaur Museums, Exhibits and Adventures

Have fun, and enjoy watching your children touch and play with everything in sight.

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Backyard Camp-Out

Carve Your Own Pumpkin

Discover a National Park

Escape to a Lake

Escape to a Hotel

Explore Caves

Be Amazed At A Corn Maze

Camping with Kids

Go Canoeing

Go Fishing

Go Leaf Watching

Bike Hike

Head to the Hills

Picnic at the Park

Renting an RV

Fall Beach Trip

Take A City Tour

Family Apple Picking

Be Terrified at a Theme Park

Fall Zoo Fun

Tour a Factory

Travel Back in Time

Vacation at Home

Visit a Dude Ranch

Visit a Family Inn

Visit a Farmers' Market

Visit a Museum

Visit a Fair

Visit an Aquarium

Visit an Outlet Mall