

Corvette Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(502) 745-8419 or (502) 781-7973

When you think "Corvette", you think "fun", and this tour is no different. On this factory tour, you'll be able to take a peek at how this American masterpiece is produced -- in a factory the size of 22 football fields!

In the company of a guide, you'll have the opportunity to walk through the plant and see the major production steps. Here you'll watch the frame and body being built, watch the engine and drive train being assembled, and see major parts being attached. Our kids were particularly fascinated by the computer robots welding the frame. They look like something from another world.

It's amazing to see the size of this plant and watch Corvettes moving along over 6 miles of conveyers in various stages of production. If you or a member of your family is a die-hard car fan, you'll love the show! A video will provide you with more information on the car's history and production. Don't miss the National Corvette Museum and, of course, the gift shop.

Open: Tours are offered Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The plant is closed on holidays, the week between Christmas and New Year's, 2 weeks in early July, and for model changes.

Age Limits: None, however, be aware there is a great deal of loud noise in the plant.

Cost: Free.

Reservations: Not required, except for groups of 10 or more.

© 2005 Beacon Group Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Site by Doghouse Technologies, Inc.

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